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- Neal Katyal
Impeach Read online
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Title Page
A Brief History of Impeachment
The Evidence
The Case Against President Trump
Questions and Answers
Out of Many, One
The Whistleblower Complaint
The July 25 Call Summary
The Text Messages
The White House Letter
About the Authors
Connect with HMH
Copyright © 2019 by Morgan Legal Consulting
All rights reserved
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Library of Congress Control Number: 2019953647
ISBN 978-0-358-39117-3 (print)
ISBN 978-0-358-39116-6 (e-book)
ISBN 978-0-358-39545-4 (audiobook)
Cover design by Brian Moore
Katyal photograph © Matt Sayles
Koppelman photograph © Derin Celik
For the memory of my father
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Shall any man be above Justice? Above all shall that man be above it, who can commit the most extensive injustice? . . . Shall the man who has practised corruption and by that means procured his appointment in the first instance, be suffered to escape punishment, by repeating his guilt?
Against the insidious wiles of foreign influence . . . the jealousy of a free people ought to be constantly awake, since history and experience prove that foreign influence is one of the most baneful foes of republican government.
This business of high crimes and misdemeanors goes to the question of whether or not the person serving as President of the United States put their own interests, their personal interests, ahead of public service.
Imagine if it had worked.
Imagine if our president had leveraged his role as commander in chief to convince a foreign power to open an investigation into his political opponent.
Imagine if the president’s rival lost the primary because news broke that he was under investigation.
Imagine if that meant the president faced a weaker candidate in November 2020—and won reelection as a result.
Imagine if our president owed his victory to a foreign power and we never found out.
Imagine how much leverage the leaders of that country would have on our foreign policy decisions.
Imagine how easily they could blackmail our commander in chief.
Imagine what our president would do next, knowing he could subvert our democracy without paying a price.
Now, imagine if, eventually, we did find out. But it was too late—because he had already won.
Imagine if our president abused the power vested in him to win—and we knew it.
Imagine what that would do to our faith in elections, to our trust in government, to our belief that we live in a democracy.
If President Trump’s efforts to coerce Ukraine into interfering with our democracy had stayed a secret until the 2020 election—if a brave whistleblower hadn’t risked his career, and his safety, to speak out—we would have fundamentally, perhaps irrevocably, lost faith in the legitimacy of our republic.
That is why we have no choice but to impeach and remove President Trump: because he wielded the powers of the presidency to serve himself instead of the people he represents; because he was willing to undermine our democracy to help his prospects of reelection; and because he has stated, repeatedly and unapologetically, that he would do it again.
“A Grave and Sobering Decision”
Five minutes and 21 seconds after 7 p.m. on July 27, 1974, by a vote of 27 to 11, the House Judiciary Committee made Richard Nixon the first president since 1868 to be formally accused of an impeachable offense. The vote came more than two years after James McCord, Virgilio Gonzales, Frank Sturgis, Eugenio Martinez, and Bernard Barker broke into the Watergate building in Washington, DC. So one might imagine that after months of stonewalling, lying, and deceit from the Nixon Administration, Democrats on the committee would have felt a bit of catharsis on that July night. But they felt no such thing.
In a Washington Post article dated the next day—headlined “Judiciary Committee Approves Article to Impeach President, 27–11: 6 Republicans Join Democrats to Pass Obstruction Charge”—Democratic members of the House didn’t express jubilance, but sorrow. Representative Paul Sarbanes, who helped run the floor debate, said his vote had been “a grave and sobering decision.” As the Post wrote, “Even those whose impeachment votes were never in doubt voiced no sense of triumph.”
“I don’t want to talk to anybody,” said Democratic representative Barbara Jordan from Texas. Democrat Charles Rangel from New York cried, “It’s a terrible thing to happen to anybody.” And Chairman Peter Rodino, another Democrat, simply stated, “I’m not happy.”
Representative Walter Flowers, a Democrat from Alabama, who had been one of the last holdouts on impeachment, said he came to his conclusion only after spending weeks studying the facts of the case and the Constitution of the United States. “It is clear to me what I must do,” he said, but he worried that his constituents would be upset by his vote. His consolation? “I probably have enough pain for both them and me.”
This is impeachment in the United States of America—a most extraordinary measure, reserved only for the rare occasions when a president proves himself unable or unwilling to serve the interests of the people he represents. Nobody involved in impeachment proceedings leaves them unscathed. And every time our nation even considers reversing the lawful election of a president, we lose a piece of our democracy. But when our founders wrote the Constitution, they knew there would be times when our democracy would be even more damaged if we failed to impeach our president.
All 27 members of the House Judiciary Committee who voted to impeach Nixon recognized this. They may have done so with heavy hearts, but they also had peace of mind—because they knew the Constitution had left them with no choice but to remove him.
That, I believe, is where America finds itself today.
Why I Wrote This Book
In 2016, America elected Donald Trump to be its 45th president. That means all of us, even those who disagree with his policies, have a duty to recognize him as our commander in chief. I certainly do.
I am not a partisan.
I’m a lawyer who has argued more United States Supreme Court cases than just about anyone (39 and counting) and convinced everyone from Justice Scalia to Justice Ginsburg to side with my clients, who have ranged from death-penalty defendants to the largest companies in the world to the most recent national-security whistleblower to take his case to the Supreme Court. I have also been a law professor for more than two decades at Georgetown University, where I have taught impeachment twenty times (and even once taught a semester-long class called “Clinton” about all the legal issues his presidency presented). As Acting Solicitor General of the United States, I served as President Obama’s top courtroom lawyer for a time, representing the US government in the highest court in the land.
But I am also what I call an extremist centrist.
What does that mean? It means I try to find wisdom i
n all sorts of places and don’t disagree with Republicans on everything—not even with President Trump. In fact, I formally introduced President Trump’s first nominee to the Supreme Court, Neil Gorsuch, to the US Senate at his confirmation hearings, just days after I filed a lawsuit challenging the president’s Muslim ban. Justice Gorsuch wasn’t my friend, but I had seen him in court many times and knew he would continue to be a real judge. Many Democrats were furious with me. But I respected him, and I remembered how frustrated I felt when Republicans voted against Elena Kagan, who couldn’t have been more qualified. I wanted Democrats to apply the same yardstick to Justice Gorsuch that I felt Republicans should have applied to Justice Kagan.
I live my life by this Yardstick Rule, because the only way to preserve the rule of law is to apply the same standards to everyone, regardless of whether or not you agree with their views. That’s how I teach my law students: I ask them which side they are more sympathetic to in a trial and then make them represent the other party to the case. So if they like the plaintiff’s argument, I have them pretend they’re the defendant’s lawyer; and vice versa. This approach is rooted in all sorts of fancy philosophical terms, like John Rawls’s “veil of ignorance,” but the central idea is simple: the shoe is going to be on the other foot one day. Being able to recognize that is the definition of principle, and for me, it’s principle over party every day of the week.
This is why I believe Congress should exercise extreme caution before impeaching a president. In a democracy, we have no responsibility more sacred than respecting the will of the people, and if Democrats impeach a duly elected Republican for purely partisan reasons today, then Republicans can push to do the same to a Democrat tomorrow.
Our founders placed such a high bar on removing a president for this very reason. And Congress has indeed chosen to reserve impeachment only for the extreme circumstances in which our representatives believe a president has committed treason, bribery, or other high crimes and misdemeanors.
Only two presidents in our nation’s history—Andrew Johnson and Bill Clinton—have been impeached by the House of Representatives, and neither was convicted by the Senate. (Nixon, understanding he faced almost certain removal from office, resigned before the House could formally bring charges against him.) Only 19 officials in total have been impeached by the House since 1797, when William Blount, a senator from Tennessee, became the first. For a sense of how long ago that was, consider that Blount was impeached for helping Great Britain seize the land that’s now Florida and Louisiana . . . from Spain.
The rarity of impeachments, particularly presidential ones, underscores a simple truth: in ordinary times, even when Congress has disagreed with a president’s policies, demeanor, or conduct, our representatives have recognized the legitimacy of whoever the American people elect.
But we live in a time with a president who is far from ordinary. And while our founders believed impeachment should be an option of last resort, they put it in the Constitution to make it available when needed, not to serve as a hollow adornment.
As James Madison wrote in Federalist No. 51, “If men were angels, no government would be necessary.” Alas, men—and women and everyone else—aren’t all angels, including, perhaps even especially, our elected officials. That’s why Madison went on to say, “In framing a government which is to be administered by men over men, the great difficulty lies in this: You must first enable the government to control the governed; and in the next place oblige it to control itself.”
Our Constitution is filled with mechanisms by which the government can, to borrow Madison’s term, “control itself.” These include federalism, which distributes responsibilities between states and the federal government; separation of powers, which ensures that the executive, legislative, and judicial branches can serve as checks on one another; and, of course, impeachment, which provides Congress with the ability to remove a president from office.
The standards for impeachment are high, but they are not impossible to meet. If a majority of the House votes to charge the president with a high crime (this is called “impeachment”) and two-thirds of the Senate rules him guilty (this is called “conviction” or “removal”), then he has no choice but to step down. Of course, convincing 67 out of 100 senators to agree on something is no small task, which is why only eight officials have ever been removed from office by the Senate. And there’s reason to believe it will be especially hard today, at a time when senators from different parties can hardly be convinced to talk to one another, let alone vote for the same bill.
But at the darkest moments in American history, the hearts and minds of Americans have proven to be far stronger than party politics. With pressure from constituents, Congress could still very well put country over party and impeach President Trump. And I hope that a book like this, which outlines what President Trump did, when he did it, and why it meets the Constitution’s standards for impeachment, can help build that pressure.
I believe this because at bottom our Constitution, and indeed the entire American experiment, is all about protecting our democracy from threats like these; and because all of America’s most influential thinkers, from across the political spectrum—from Antonin Scalia to George Washington to Barack Obama—have shared a belief that our democracy can be sustained only if ours remains a government of laws, not of men.
That’s why I’m writing to you: the American people. You’re not my normal audience, which is a court of law, but only if you speak up can the judge and jury in this case, Congress, rule guilty.
Why We Can’t Wait Until the Next Election
I recognize why Americans from both political parties are so wary of impeachment. Republicans are rightly frustrated by the idea of removing a president whose policies they generally support. And Democrats are understandably afraid of the blowback they’ll receive from taking so drastic a step.
In many ways, both political parties would be better off if President Trump’s fate were determined on Election Day. But the challenge we face is this: President Trump has shown that he will do everything in his power, legal and illegal, to ensure he wins reelection, even if that means working with a foreign power to undermine our democracy. So asking us to wait until the election to remove him from office is like asking to resolve a dispute based on who wins a game of Monopoly—when the very crime you’ve been accused of is cheating at Monopoly.
That’s the problem: we can’t decide President Trump’s fate with the 2020 election because there’s no guarantee he won’t try again to use the powers vested in him to rig it. And that, in turn, means that if we want to save our country before it’s too late, he has left us with no choice but to impeach him now.
Why Our Founders (and Vice President Pence) Would Have Impeached President Trump
Our founders predicted we would face a moment like this. When they wrote about removing a president for “high crimes and misdemeanors,” they were thinking first and foremost of a commander in chief who wielded the powers of the presidency for the benefit of himself instead of for the benefit of the people. As Alexander Hamilton wrote in Federalist No. 65, our framers wanted to protect America from “those offenses which proceed from . . . the abuse or violation of some public trust.” And there was no such “abuse of trust” they were more afraid of than foreign interference.
In one of the greatest speeches ever given by a president, George Washington, our first commander in chief, delivered a farewell address that called foreign influence over our political system “one of the most baneful foes of republican government.” Similarly, John Adams believed that “the danger of foreign Influence” would “recur” as “often as elections happen.” And when James Madison proposed including impeachment in our Constitution, he said he did so in part to ensure no president would “betray his trust to foreign powers.”
Why did our founders decide that being beholden to a foreign power was an impeachable offense? Because, as Hamilton said, a president should answer only to the Ame
rican people. That means never abusing the office for personal gain—or to serve the interests of a foreign power.
In 2008, a congressman captured this point well during a hearing at the House Judiciary Committee. “This business of high crimes and misdemeanors,” he said, referencing a witness’s report, “goes to the question of whether or not the person serving as President of the United States put their own interests, their personal interests, ahead of public service.” The congressman who said that? None other than Mike Pence, now President Trump’s vice president.
Over the course of this book, I’ll revisit the “Pence Standard,” because Vice President Pence’s quote perfectly distills why our founders believed Congress has an obligation to hold accountable a president who abuses the power of his office—a president, in other words, like Donald Trump.
Why We Need to Impeach President Trump (and Why This Is Different from Mueller)
I know you’ve heard some of this before. Over President Trump’s first two years in office, Democrats spent almost every day discussing Russia. They called President Trump an asset, a spy, a traitor. They said Special Counsel Robert Mueller would produce the evidence necessary to impeach and remove President Trump. And, in the end, they were wrong: Mueller’s report did not lead to President Trump’s removal.
There’s no denying that Mueller’s investigation was conducted professionally, by some of America’s finest lawyers. The report they produced found striking instances of obstruction of justice. And many respected legal minds believe Mueller’s report, in and of itself, provided enough evidence to impeach President Trump.
But if you weren’t convinced by Mueller’s report, if you believe President Trump’s actions in 2016 did not warrant impeachment, then this book is for you. Because the proven facts of what President Trump has done with Ukraine far eclipse the allegations of his campaign’s coordination with Russia in 2016.